Class - A9
Title - Can't hide the beating heart
Outruns - 502
Mileage - 20, 104km
I completed a loop today. Shaded as it was, I completed it with help from Rave, Ducky and ABC-kun. I'm glad they loved my car =D
Now on my 3rd loop - I will not shade it, so I can get Midnight R OST~
"What's your plan?" A great friend of mine asked me last night.
"Plan? Nothing solid. If I have free time, of course come down and run..but.." I wasn't sure until a few minutes before I started on this post. Now I feel I have a solid plan...
I would:
- Keep my outruns till end of next month.
- Do at least 2 loops by end of next month. Loops will be done solely at Zone X arcades
- Run my Ghosts at Bugis and DBG, as these are the 2 places which have my lvl 10 Ghosts. I will get to 500 Ghost wins by end of May '08
This will see me jump 3 levels by May '08.
Unless I experience a sudden winning streak and end up with 1k stars -.-'''