Class - A7
Title - Can't hide the beating heart
Outruns - 579~580
Mileage - 20, 104km
Current loop - 5th
Ghosts - 378+
It was really good training. It leaves me hungering for more. More! I need the training - it doesn't dishearten me even though it shows me my weaknesses. Instead, it uplifts me, it makes me want to find my limit.
Where is my limit? I want to find it, and then push past it. I want to be limitless. I want people to think that I am a noob when I sit down. I want them to walk away from the cabinet in a fit of anger, or tears.
I also felt something for my car stir within me the other day. I feel..maybe it will soon reveal its true colours to me.
I have seen one who has improved so much. I can only pray, hope and then act on it - that I can improve just as he has, and go beyond. I want to learn his attitude when it comes to racing. No longer is it a game for me, but a passion...
I want to race! It is not enough for me to placidly race now! I want to run! I want to make sure I get first!
And I must remember never to lose heart, because it's when I race with my heart put into it, then will I learn.