Monday, June 16, 2008


Class - A2
Title - Can't hide the beating heart
Outruns - 1, 003
Mileage - 38, 846km
Current loop - 9th
Ghosts - 549

Thank you everyone who have made this possible for me..My kors - Bear, Ah Yue, Eyphar, Roy; my jie - Roxy; my bf - Rusco; my friends..

It was painful and heartbreaking. The trial was on 15th June 08..the same day that new bloods came together to play. It was a great day in all, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself =)

Time to really take a break, find a job, sit back and get back some money first...then it's more wangan for me.

Yoko down is so beautiful now..I want to race on it forever.

Next loop will see me with a brand new that I will cherish forever..