- but if he hurts you, there's gunna be hell to pay...
- It's no fun in dreamland without Maya laling
- He's got plenty of ladies. You're mine
- Naah. Laling, I'm an innocent little boy ^^
- Ore wa daredato mote yaru!
- There's normal spooning and sexy spooning
- I'm not hurt yet?...and how could my loli maid be evil?
- Lol, well, i'm just happy to talk to such a nice person, pity you're on a different continent
- Lol, it's all up to you. I can't get angry at laling XD
- =3 how could you miss me if you've never been with me? xD
- @_@ Only I'm allowed to have you for lunch
- I wish I was there too. We could spoon to keep warm lol
- im bad to anyone who harasses my woman
- ill make you a woman >.>
- =( don't be so emo. Cheer up a little. Anything I can do to make you feel better?
- Well, I don't think I can get over that quick...But how about a rose for my valentine? @->->---
- But i'm the king! I make the rules. You just sit there and look good haha. Naaaa. You can make some rules, but I think this time I am most definitely right.
- I would personally bake you an entire tray for a kiss
- I'll dance with you :3
- Laling I rly miss you =3
- Lol. I miss you too...Wish we could have spent vday together...
- I'll just have to wait for you here....Miss you so much sweetie
- Love you more..."we're not having this argument XD"....Okay, equal love then.
- As long as I'm your king, that's cool XD
- Haha. I'm not kawaii! I'm cool, tough and awesome lol
- "Lol I'm not that drunk, baby...not even tipsy atm" "Oh damn. And I was thinking of ways to take advantage of you when you were drunk" "Oh...suddenly I feel drunk now"
- Lol you saw that now...I'm not gonna be too happy if I have to carry you home
- Haha. You're my hugging action laling
- Aww. Poor laling. If you were here, I'd lie with you and cuddle you till we were both asleep
- Baby, I miss you so much though
- Lol not me. I'm faithful to laling
- oh C'mon, you're not gonna hold that against me are you =D i can still be plenty innocent XD watch me wear this maid outfit
- I wish I was there to cuddle you warm
- =O why no modeling? I bought a camera and everything
- If you want I'll hook you up with private lessons ;)
- I'll still have you in my mind raring
- I don't have the heart to turn you down
- well I'm happy you're happy
- Haha. Let him, I guess. As long as you don't cheat on me :3
- Rly? Who is this guy? I'll bash him for seeing my laling behind my back. I'll kill him
- You're the only lady for me though.
- We can do duet. Will you be shy then?
- I sure miss you too baby
- I'm touched at the fact that you would want to do something like that for me. But I can make some too, together we can have 1000 (Senbatsuru Senbazuru)
- "Yeah, nice ass. Maybe I'll cop a feel" "That's my job!" "What, in the public? Don't make me yelp XD" "Haha, I'm a sly dog. I'll make you yelp in public!"
- Hahaha. I'm sorry. There's some ways only Dom can satisfy me
- I miss you too baby =3 I really can't wait to see you
I've always had a craving for you
Any love from you is good enough for me