I haven't asked myself this question in a long time..heck, not seriously ever anyway.
So like, I realised that after 5 months of being with JQ, it's like, he's always being so nice to me and giving in to me all the time. I feel really happy and like, floaty *rolls eyes* coz yeah well, I haven't met any guy who well, has tried NOT to take/has NOT taken advantage of my nature. (LOL JQ POINTED OUT THIS MISTAKE. SORRY DARLING. PATSPATS)
JQ has ALWAYS been there for me, he always takes care of me (while I abuse him by calling him names X( SORRY X( ) and well, overall I think he's a steal. He doesn't seem to want much of me - just wants me to improve myself, slim down, eat healthily etc. He wants the best for me.
So..on the way home just now, a thought just struck me: Do I deserve him?
*recalls her list of 10 things that must be fulfilled* Can I love him more than he loves me? I really don't know.
I feel that I express love through actions and money (unfortunately, yes) - they go hand-in-hand anyway. But never words. I can't bring myself to say those 3 words to him, maybe because..it's too early to declare anything, and..*dies a little* I just..