Had a very good game of L4D against the Blood D. ppl. Pubs vs a team and we won (BH3, heading to the building before the train area). I think our infected were pretty good (they didn't really cover well for each other too, and spawn spots were easy for us; their infected also didn't do us much dmg) We had a scare in BH5 also when the boomer caught us just as we were waiting for the tank to come. By then we were fighting our way out of the house trying to move to open space. Luckily for us, the tank didn't use the log that we ran near to, and I had a pipe to distract the horde.
Overall I like the way my team had that insta-chemistry: they didn't take a long time to cover each other, and while we didn't really communicate much, we used the Z & X commands to communicate with each other, like asking whether we are all ready to move and hurrying each other on.
We had that "rush" instinct like what Valent said a long time ago - when it's time to rush, we'd already be moving (there was one guy who lagged behind sometimes but he's good at covering others)
I felt I was the one talking the most...saying in BH5 start "I'll cover smoker on the left" and then the other guy was like "I'll cover your ass" LOLX
However, I realised that my Infected skills have dropped: no longer landing proper 25s, boomer not going very well (I think the other team covered Boomers very well). But being Smoker was average for me. Didn't do fantastic pulls, but I had my share of covering Smoker (with hunter) AND pulling one away so that the rest can help.
I remembered that in BH4 in the house just before the saferoom, there was a witch right at the 2nd floor, beside the steps (a bit out of sight so that you'd bump into her when turning to move up to the 3rd floor. It was scary because we heard a smoker (but I think he'd spawned at the wrong place) and we thought they would be waiting to ambush us with the witch, then the guy that I clicked with the most said he can go crown. Then I told him, better to go as a group, 2 crown (like the TeC ppl IIRC) and 2 ppl watch from the back. By the time we went up the stairs, the witch was already growling. I could only see her exposed back, so I just quickly crown because the horde was coming also. Then after that is a rush all the way. Had another scare because I heard the boomer below us (lucky I saw him and killed him).
There was another game where I played NM.
I joined the game in NM2 when my team was playing as Infected (2nd round). Kinda disappointed, but in NM3 we started winning back. Rushed to the saferoom when I got stuck and the smoker pulled me to the car. I was expecting it and shot the car to kill the smoker, then someone tossed molo and I rushed into the pawnshop to close the 2 doors and then hurried into the saferoom. That one was pretty scary.