If I don't hear from him for one day, I get kinda agitated, coz I don't know if he's safe or something. His mom doesn't know about us, so what will happen if he dies or something eh.
On a sidenote: managed to NOT RAGE at ppl today during L4D2.
Start: 16th March 2008 End: Tentative mid 2009 - well, it's past and I haven't gotten anywhere near.. Description: SSS is one reason; being the only girl in SG to do it is another... April's Plan: Stagnating.
mini projects
Project 600 Description: 600HP = 2k stars! Status: 65+ / 2k stars - I just need to know when I can eat stars.. Current Plan: 100 stars by end of year? *hopeful*
project sss plan
Should I get the GDB-F? Currently at 1100+ stories..around 300 more to go X(
Story Chapters: Loop 1000 -1500 > 1 level up (S6) Loop 1501 - 2000 > 1 level up (S5) Loop 2001 - 2500 > 1 level up (S1) Loop 2501 - 3000 > 1 level up (SS9)
Outrun: Complete each map with S rank (SS7, SS6, SS5, SS4, SS3, SS2, SS1, SSS)
Ghost: 1000 (S4), 1500 (S3), 2000 (S2)
Battle: 3000 stars (S7), 5000 stars (SS8)
alternative sss plan
Story: Loop 1100 -1600 > 1 level up (S7) Loop 1601 - 2100 > 1 level up (S6)
Outrun: Complete each map with S rank (SS9, SS8, SS7, SS6, SS5, SS4, SS3, SS2)