Class - A1
Title - It's Stress!
Outruns - 1, 950+
Mileage - 53, 789km
Current loop - 10th
Ghosts - 730+
Alert-kun: It was not a noobfest!! XD It was a training session!!! XDD
Anyway, I think the training session woke me up. I should only go cleaning up to get stars, and not depend on that to improve my skills.
The last Yoko down match really pissed me off. Like..what the hell what I doing.
Then the other Yoko down match also pissed me off. How could I clip that car just that like? Really getting too careless nowadays. Damnit.
Maybe I'm just not concentrating enough nowadays. Have let myself get too arrogant...need attitude attack again...
In a way, I am glad that X.D.D played my car the other night. I am glad because he increased IT for me, yet at the same time, I was 'omg, my car aura = sadded". But IT was all good. And I am glad that I went for the training session, because in the end, I gained something. I hope that I can maintain IT for the time being, and perhaps by CNY next year, IT will be at 2.
I want Namco racing meter on my GDB-F!!!! XD